Cartwheels Craft Centre Open Day 15th June 2013

DSCF3465 (Small)Although it rained in the morning, it didn’t seem to put people off, but by the afternoon we were enjoying cream teas on the lawn.





This is the beautiful floral display that greeted everyone as they arrived at Cartwheels courtesy of 'Full Blooms' florist at Liskeard.
This is the beautiful floral display that greeted everyone as they arrived at Cartwheels courtesy of ‘Full Blooms’ florist at Liskeard.

Our displays before the stall holders arrived!  Willow by Bridget King and Coasters, Mugs, Cards and Prints by Karen Farrington – Launceston Artist.

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More photos of the open day will be posted soon!


Bridget King – Loveny Willow

Bridget had always had a bee in her bonnet to one day be able to make a basket.  On one of those ‘special’ birthdays, her friends gave her a craft token to attend a basket making workshop.

Bridget has been totally hooked ever since and is always on the lookout for something new to try and make using natural products.

Bridget has taught 4 – 6 year olds over a period of 30 years and recently qualified as a Forest School Leader.  She feels that making functional objects from willow and other natural materials is very satisfying and compliments her basic love of nature.
